Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Funny BATMAN HUMOR Photos - Ha Ha Hee Hee!

    We can all use a good laugh every now and then so check these pics out! The 1st one is from a Bat-Blog Fan named Aaron. He lives in Canada & recently found these 2 Pair of Batman & Joker Ankle Socks at a Canadian Flea Market. They really crack me up because they're so cheesy and at the same time, I think they're actually kinda cool.

    Next is a picture sent to us by a friend on Facebook. His name is Sven & he recently spotted the Dark Knight reading a newspaper. Hey, Batman likes to keep up on current events!

    Then, here's a pic showing Batman in training. Here he is learning how to dive from an airplane. You know, he is always honing his bat-skills!

    ( Thanks to Everybody Who Forwarded These Funny Pics )

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Funny BATMAN HUMOR Photos - Ha Ha Hee Hee!

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